

Nature, the leading international weekly journal of science, has been at the cutting edge of scientific communication since its inception in 1869. With a monthly readership of nine million individuals, Nature provides unparalleled coverage of news, analysis, and commentary on its digital platform,

In addition to its ongoing endeavors, Nature has meticulously curated a compendium of reports from journalists and researchers from across the Nature Portfolio. They named this collection" The Human Microbiome," and its purpose is to understand how the trillions of microbes that live in and on our bodies could light paths to better health.

To visually encapsulate the essence of this innovative approach, Nature commissioned us a series of animated illustrations to serve as the project's visuals on their website. These colourful illustrations aim to engage viewers and convey to them how scientists are now rapidly improving their understanding of the role that this microbiota has in health and disease.
